Tobias Timothy Walsten |
Greetings Friends, I pray you are all staying warm and enjoying a sunny day. We have experienced such bone-chilling temperatures here lately that I thought I would sit down and try to warm your hearts with some wonderful news. December 28, 2010, God blessed us with our first grandson, Tobias Timothy Walsten. He is so handsome. He weighed in at 8 lbs. 13.5 oz and was 21 inches long. He is so healthy and completely loved by his parents and his extended family. I simply can't put into words the joy he has brought to our lives, he is truly a gift from God. He was the inspiration behind one of my newest fabric collections "Baby and Me." Our fun new colors and whimsical characters really bring this collection to life. I invite you to visit Henry Glass Fabrics to download this new pattern.
www.henryglassfabrics.com. I will have the fabric here in the shop, we're hoping, by late March.